- 13:57 Remember, this weekend: open house for our garage-like give-away not-sale. Swing by; get stuff #
- 14:04 New Twitter’ers that I’m following: Adam @donttrythis Savage and @realAnnieDuke — The latter may change if they give her the stolen name. #
- 14:20 @heroespodcast Would like to hear whether or not you think the hunter has an ability. #
- 14:23 RT : New Twitter’ers that I’m following: Adam @donttrythis Savage and @realAnnieDuke — #followfriday #
- 16:06 #sjtucker concert due to start soon online webcasted at: bit.ly/14pKuD Concert of course may be on Pagan Standard Time #
- 21:34 Welcome @omnisti and @s00j to twitter #
- 00:24 New cholesterol medications wreaked a little havok with my system tonight. Not fun. Coming up with some insights about the nature of twitter #
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