Andrei’s daily twitter log is brought to you via LoudTwitter

  • 09:01 I have decided that grapefruit is an “Old Aeon” food. Much like Prunes, Liver, Fruit Cake, and Parsnips #
  • 11:25 RT @livingartist: The birthday boy! Dude! 3 years old. And growing 🙂 #
  • 13:25 #Satire of the current #iPhone “There’s an app for that” commercial. Lovingly subtitled for @livingartist ’til it’s pulled #
  • 13:32 Why is it when you take a sick day, you feel like you’re doing more than you do at work? (Making lunch, cleaning, reading) #
  • 13:43 Birthday boy has _no_ idea what is in store for him today 🙂 #
  • 17:41 Thats right. To prevent fire. Keep away from children. #

P.S. Anyone notice the posting time? It’s relevant.

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