- 07:39 Today’s QC is wonderful. www.questionablecontent.net/ #
- 08:41 I’d like a hot dog he said with glee and relish #missingpunctuation #
- 09:47 Medical Industry resentment #365: 20 page new patient forms demanding minutae that are never actually used by the doctor. #
- 20:38 Fun with #numbers. Tomorrow Aiden turns 42, exactly one month later I do. Sort that one out 😉 #
- 20:58 Had butter in my dinner. Now suffering the price. Will be headachy, sore in the stomach, dizzy, and mildly sick for the next 2-3 hrs #
- 23:53 New Post: My poor little neglected blog… bit.ly/czUjLs #
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« My poor little neglected blog… FQ: Would you go into Theatre if you make the same money as you do now? »