My quick rundown on the three Ultimate Sing-Off match-ups from Episode 5
AcoUstKats vs VoicePlay – “Eye Of The Tiger”
Well, it was very entertaining. They were totally transparent about this being pre-staged this time. The show seemed to be trying to keep that secret up to this point. Acoustikats lead lost control of the pitch a couple of times. It was so much about staging and working together I don’t think I can judge their performances separately. I still hope Voice Play is the one they keep out of this pairing (consistent with my pre-USO pick).
Ten vs Vocal Rush – “Fame”
Another “let’s work together” number. Good performance, I really enjoyed it. maybe they should tour together. I think that Ten’s verses were richer and actually sounded more like a band than Vocal Rush. From a business point of view, Vocal Rush may be more commercial, because they are young, and I’m afraid that may start to play into the decision. Toss-up; I am chickening out of a call on this one. (I didn’t realize there were going to be three…so I didn’t pick a third in the pre-USO write up.)
Home Free vs The Filharmonic – “I’m Alright”
Fun! And not in a bad way. No missteps that I detected. In the rare times that each group sang by themselves, they had their own character. Home Free had tighter, richer harmonies even though there are fewer of them. They were my pick out of this pairing (consistent with my pre-USO call).
If they had put The Filharmonics against the Acoustikats I would have been in trouble. But they didn’t!
Home Free, Ten, and Vocal Rush all safe. Yaaay!
One left to save out of Voice Play, The Filharmonic, and Acoustikats – The Filharmonic? Really?
Upon reflection, they will round out the final four and make an entertaining show. Voice Play had been a little uneven throughout but I think I would rather hear a Voice Play concert than a Filharmonic concert because everything Fil does sounds the same. I’m looking forward to the Final Four. This season is really going way too fast though.
Until next time…
« The Armchair Judge: Sing-off Season 4, Ep. 5, part 1 The Armchair Judge: The Sing-off S4, Ep 6 »