Tag Archive: diversion

I am chewing on a filtered posting. I have no idea how to write what I want to write.

So instead.. It’s that current silliness going around that I had no intention of doing.

70 Useless points of data

Don’t worry. There will be many, many (trying not to do a Police Academy impression) posts concerning Aiden.

I’m basically spending more time online. This should scare those of you who know me. But, since I have to basically spend lots of time sitting near and watching the baby, having the computer on my lap makes for a good way to pass the time.

This may even evolve into me getting more work done sooner.

So, checking the email…

This was sent to me by a co-worker from my short lived days as a Microsoft contractor.

It is unbelievably well done.

When Flash Animator has to deal with his own creation.

Working link: on Apolo.Net

Edit 060906: You want sound if available 😉
Edit 060907: Added a new link with a mirror on my system.