Tag Archive: humour

The word is Malapropastic

The definition of course is having a propriety for using the wrong vocabulary word.

Reference link

Do I really have to…

Don’t worry. There will be many, many (trying not to do a Police Academy impression) posts concerning Aiden.

I’m basically spending more time online. This should scare those of you who know me. But, since I have to basically spend lots of time sitting near and watching the baby, having the computer on my lap makes for a good way to pass the time.

This may even evolve into me getting more work done sooner.

So, checking the email…

This was sent to me by a co-worker from my short lived days as a Microsoft contractor.

It is unbelievably well done.

When Flash Animator has to deal with his own creation.

Working link: on Apolo.Net

Edit 060906: You want sound if available ๐Ÿ˜‰
Edit 060907: Added a new link with a mirror on my system.

So.. obviously I have a lot of down time at all hours of the morning, night, afternoon, evening, whenever.

So… I looked at the Onion for the first time in ‘idontknowhowmany’

There was a head line I had to read twice. This headline was a joke grenade. Effectively I looked at it, and then it went off, and it just got funnier the more I thought about it.

Long-Winded Serial Killer Runs Out Of Forehead Space Again

God bless you, yendi

Okay. this by far is one of my favourite Video posts to date. And I owe biiiiig props to yendi for finding and posting it.

Even telling you what it is will not spoil this.

YouTube presents:
Monty Python’s Camelot song as performed by
Star Trek: The Original Series.

As most people are aware, shimmeringjemmy wears hearing aids. This means first thing in the morning audio communication isn’t really possible.

As a result I’ve come up with AnHSL. Andrei & Heather – Sign Language. Contrary to expectations… neither of us really knows any sign language beyond finger spelling the alphabet.

This morning she asked me if I was feeling better. I must digress here that I suffer from “Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal” syndrome. I believe that if Heather can’t hear me… I can’t talk. (Yeah, I know.. there’s logic in them thar hills and those hills are no where near Andrei)

None the less, I get jarred in the morning when she speaks and I can hear her… but such is how my mind sometimes works. </digression>

So, she asks me how I’m feeling. I proceed to draw in the air.
90ยบ turned infinity symbol… She says “8”
circle…she says “0”
A sort of mishmash of 2 circles and a bar… “Percent”

She smiles and gives me a hug

I proceed to then finger write in the air e^i, sigma, integral x-n cuberoot

She’s laughing by the time she catches the Sigma.

I love have a geek in the house.