Tag Archive: livejournal

Protected: Filtered Post: Memetime… You know…

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This may be my first gloomy post. I should have gone to bed about an hour ago, but I’ve been working on this project for about 5 days.

As warned and warned and warned… I’m about to commit my first purge.

Currently I have 501 subscriptions on LJ (which LJ refers to as friends).
Of that number 341 are individual journals, (or at least not officially communities or feeds)
So far I have scheduled for purge around 30% of these. (just over 100).

This process is never easy. The journals I’ve picked include, people who don’t subscribe to me, people who haven’t posted in years, people that I’ve fallen out of contact with, people I just don’t know that well or read very much.

None of these unsubscriptions should be considered as personal, as I bear no ill will to any journal owner that I’m dropping.

I will leave comments open (but screened to all). If you think you may be among the dropped and wish not to be in that group (especially in the event that you want to read my increasingly rarely made filtered posts) leave a comment. Please this is not an open season to beg. Just tell me that you really do read and I’ll pull you off the list if you’re on it.

To be honest, I really don’t expect anyone I’m dropping to be among the people who comment.

Also, if you discover you were dropped, (because you didn’t think you’d be on the drop list), first… again, don’t take it personally. Second, if you’d like me to keep your journal in subscriptions (maybe for filters, but for any reason) again… Comment.

My first purge will occur at about 3pm tomorrow.

This will allow me to follow LJ more actively again 🙂

That meme thing

Okay.. this is vaguely amusing.

To let you in on it: You will be asked for your LJ name, which friends you’ve met in person and then many random and at times amusing questions.

My answers below. Go have fun.

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.
my answers

I’ve been up and down in posting in the past two months. This is ironically timed with my move.

I have 338 people listed in my ‘subscription list’ (I utterly refuse to refer to this as a friends list, with all due respect to those on my list who I call friends)

LJ has become an enigma for me on many levels. I love the sense of community that is built into it, but dislike the the lack of community that is caused by looking at journals not managed by LJ. I am constantly in a stage of keep up or die between my LJ subscriptions and the wealth of other sites that I use for both news and community information.

Add to that the threatened mass purge that I’ve just never been able to face due to the social and intellectual ramifications involved. For as a true procrastinator we do understand that the easiest way to deal with a difficult problem is to put it to the side until it becomes unwieldy and destroys us.

So, why haven’t I posted?

Perhaps it’s to avoid adding to the amount of data someone else processes. Perhaps there just hasn’t been anything motivating me to really post about. Perhaps, I am just worried that I will swing back into making 5-9 posts a day and take up all my time.

In truth, I think it comes down to one really simple fact. I am a software solutions person at heart. To me this situation has an answer. I can feel it, touch it, smell it, taste it, caress it in my arms. But it’s just not here yet. An organizational solution that will make my LJ experience jump light years away from where it is.

Each time I log on to LJ it is a reminder that drives me back to research.

The good news is that my research is bearing fruit. The earliest work is resulting in things that make me happy. As a result I keep coming back to LJ… for more.

If I’m not commenting a lot, it’s not personal, it’s not neglect, it’s not disinterest. (Well, with a few of you that I should have purged a while ago, it is personal 😉 If I’m not really posting a lot it’s primarily because I’m wasting my time in other ways on the net. (Ooh, Pogo, you are such a time waste)

To be honest, it’s been a busy 54 days since I ended my 5+ years in Southern California. I am still adjusting. Still finding my way through an entirely new life. So, in someways the old me is growing back, in other ways, the next me is beginning to blossom.

It’s an interesting trip. I’m pleased to see where it is leading.

93, 93/93

I’ll be making a full NotoTon post soon 🙂

Many people have recently added onto my journal. (Not a large surprise, post con 🙂

As I do once every few months, I direct new readers to the filter poll:
I run several filters for the occassion when I post something that’s relevant to one group but not the internet as a whole.

The filter list with explanations and poll (Oooh! Add me to this one!) can be found here:

Have at it. Oh, if you are already on the poll and decide to change something, leave me a comment so I can recheck 🙂