Tag Archive: livejournal

I needed ten

My health is at about 80% depending on my drugs. But you can tell my spirits are up because I made a wopping ten posts today (self inclusive)


Got a phone call this afternoon asking me to take a survey on my pizza delivery from yesterday. Annoyingly, the caller spoke some of the worst broken English I’ve dealt with. The accent was most assuredly Hindu/Indian in origin.

She was calling on behalf of a survey company purchased by the Pizza dealer. Yet, was unfamiliar with the product line.

I really wish there was a way to detect, “Yes, this person is in India” and terminate the call.

This gives me a chance to display my new icon (at least the first stab at it)…

I call it Bunnythwump.

I’ve wanted this icon for a while. The moment I saw the video, I had to eventually make the icon.

I painstakingly made it by hand by taking frame-by-frame pictures of a quicktime movie of the flash movie “Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me.” – If you haven’t seen this work already, go view it at the previous link. If you have seen it…. Go watch again. Then look at other animation by Bernard Derriman at his website Squetch.

That is all for now. And yes Virginia, there is a 9-post-in-a-day-Andrei.

Tagging, Part deux

Well, healthwise I’m up to about 75-80%. I can tell because I made breakfast. Well, I assisted with Breakfast.

I spent the morning tagging posts. I have gone back 80 posts. Finishing 2 of which that were dangling. I can’t go back further because LJ seems to no longer like the idea of:


I will do it from the month view as time permits.

Since I have no sense of self organization, I currently have 67 different tags. I tend to use 3-4 tags on average per post, I know one had 7 tags.

My current top ten tags are behind the cut
Top ten tags:

25 or 6 to 4

Congestion at about 30%.. My nose is doing that stunning ballet where one nostril is absolutely clear and the other is hermetically sealed. It’s a ballet because at a moment’s notice, the one nostril will pick the other up for a lovely grande jete and then they will switch roles.

The body aches are also down to about 10 %. It could just be a good moment in my back cycle.

The downside is that despite NyQuil I am wide awake. Ahh, yes. The Nighttime sniffling, sneezing, why the f*$& am I staring at the bedroom ceiling medicine.

In other news, yes, LJ has gotten all tagified. Yay. I can post things now and label them in advance. Eventually, these tags will probably form a system of filtering for the reader. For now…. just more meta data.

Granted, I know this change has sent fraserspeirs off to see what hackery he can do to XJournal.

So, many people commented that the look was a little sad in the new picture.

So… off to the hotel I went, Powerbook with iSight in hand…

I posed…

Now it’s up to you.

Behind the cut is a link to the picts and a poll….

Good? Bad? Give it up?

Gosh, how vain can I get?