The title of which is ironic because it started to rain today.
I started feeling ill last night. I pushed myself fairly rigorously at work, but I think that only added to the fact that something is going around. Unfortunately, all things told I went to bed earlier than usual and sent in a note to work that I was most likely down for the day.
Unless I am dizzy and falling out of bed or unable to sit up, I tend to prefer to want to work on work even when I’m home on a work day.
At 9am I received two frantic posts from my spouse to get my attention. There were two simultaneous emergencies.
- Several warning lights in the car had gone off at once
- Our son was having a meltdown over going into school today.
A colleague once told me that your life has to be composed of “God, Family, then Work”
Sometimes family trumps even God. (Granted, I am NOT getting into a debate on liturgy or comparative religions here. I especially am not posting about the nature of the Divine)
I threw on enough clothes to not get me arrested and went to the school.
I must have spent the better part of 2 1/2 hrs doing my absolute best Dr. Spock/Diane Provo imitation I could muster. At times like this you remember that parenthood is one of the scariest experiences in the world. But we think we got him to go thru with the day and likely have our hands full for this evening.
I then followed my spouse to get gas and drive to the local car shop where we dropped off her car.
I got back to the house around 1 and am utterly shredded. It’s now 2:30 and time to wake her to see who (if either or both) are going to pick him up from school.
FWIW: I did some work analysis of a build integration issue that turned out to be a code change by one of the developers.
Is this what they call rest while ill?