I’m not really going to go into the weekend concerning the Horizon Oasis officer’s retreat. I will summarize by saying it was wonderful, productive, and I have great enthusiasm for the body’s direction.

I also did a LOT of work with Eleusyve Productions producers on the upcoming Rite of Venus

I got home in time to watch the Superbowl. I really had little interest in who won. The first half was good, the second half… well, Sexy Rexy and the Bears kinda collapsed on themselves.

But of course… the ads.

This year’s winner hands down had to be “Career Builder.” The monkeys never really worked for me and this years Corporate Grind meets Survivor was stunningly well done.

2nd place goes to Budweiser (whose Bud Light feel-good ads got old) who may have been hit or miss but the King of the Crabs spot was wonderful.

Points to Diamond foods for the most surreal moment with Robert Goulet.

But a special nod to the challenging of middle America with two very non-standard sexual moments.

I believe it was snickers that showed two men kissing. (right near the beginning) but the Bulls-eye had to be an incredibly tame and entertaining Prince mini concert right down to the shadow show of his AMAZINGLY phallic guitar.

I just never noticed that in the old “Glyph” and boy did he show it on TV.

Interestingly… no news agency has commented on this.

So… quiet Superbowl. Good, productive weekend. Long week ahead.

Hopefully more soon.