So, many people have asked… So here it is.

We are more than happy to have visitors at this point.

That being said, I’d like to hit a few points.

– Please call, email, IM, or at least touch base with me before showing up.
I’m fairly reachable via cell, home phone, IM, email, etc.

shimmeringjemmy had a Dural Membrane Injury through the process.
This means that she may at times be very quiet and sensitive to light. It doesn’t happen very often and we hope it to be gone by Monday. Basically, it’s a realllllly bad headache.

shimmeringjemmy is nursing. Deal with it 😉

aiden_freeman seems to spend most of his time asleep or nursing. Expect cute… but not much of a show.

EDIT:: If you are, think you are, or think you might be sick… Don’t come over. 😉 (Thank you blk)

But… we’ve been ‘in’ a lot and like seeing people.