Archive for July 31st, 2002

Work has been fun today. I posted my Forbes debate to a new board I joined: i spoke to a few people online including the new hot shot developer (bivaughn) to join the dev team. I think he’ll add a touch of motivation to the project.

Ticket one of three seems to have been re-credited to me. So D*C is now re-planned. I have two more tix to take care of.

Meanwhile over on apparently I “Won” my first debate.

On the work front, I finally figured out how to add a post-processing shell script to a PB build process. (Don’t worry about the geekyness)
I also figured out how to make a Package Builder package. This is a cool thing because it’s how Apple does installs.

Last night I held a business meeting for Midsummer. This as usual dissolved into a social occasion where I debated willskyfall on the merits of Mac over PC. I had facts, that usually throws your debate partner into disarray 😉

I’m getting very psyched for the tarot class I will be teaching next month. A lot of people seem interested both in and out of the order. So… the pressure is on. I’m thinking if the class is received well that I will take it to other venues. Right now I really would love people to comment on the spreads I did and posted in . There are 1, 2 spreads.

I also made an LJ icon for who will be missed by several people in the L.A. OTO (Blue Horizon and LVX).

David vs. Goliath

So realizing that I obviously have the same amount of business savvy as the next multi-majored, college drop out with 10+ years, single industry experience. I figured I’d take this opportunity to go toe-to-toe with Forbes Magazine, Editor-in-chief, Steve Forbes.

In the August 12, 2002 issue of Forbes, Mr. Forbes makes some grandiose comments in a column called “Fact and Comment”. Personally, I disagree with most of the scare tactics he has chosen to use.

Here’s why. Note… lots of opinion herein. Comments and debate are welcome, personal attacks will be deleted, links supporting facts are grandly appreciated (and also open to debate)