Archive for May 15th, 2003

Friday Five

1. What drinking water do you prefer — tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
I have an arrowhead dispenser at my house for making tea and drinking straight

2. What are your favourite flavor of chips?
Plain Ruffles. They have Rrrrrridges.

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
I love making a big lavish Thanksgiving dinner.

4. How do you have your eggs?
I prefer to order them sunny-side-up… I cook a mean seasoned scrambled

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
schnookiemuffin made me dinner for my birthday. Yum!!!!!!!

there are days….

Ya know…

New Welcome

Welcome all to speiche. Note to self. Will schnookiemuffin kill me because I recruited him :?)

Here are the picts again

David Jason
Guessed by llary
20 points
Terry Scott
Guessed by speiche
20 points

Comments so far:
Well, the actors have been identified. I don’t think it’ll take a great amount of time to put them together. 🙂

Here’s some of the wrong guesses that have come in:
Morcombe & Wise – (I have to admit I have no clue who they are…)
Monty Python based
Finnian’s rainbow
Same guy, different times.

Okay… Last chance…

Well, I’ve been playing with for a few days. Kind of neat. to join (I am listed as “Andrei Tapolow”)

I’ve managed to find about 15 people in the first few days that I know personally (This mean, interacted them outside the net)

One of the interesting features of the site is the testimonial. This is basically where you can write a blurb about someone on your list. That person then gets approval or refusal rites. If they accept it, it shows up on their profile. I got a really nice comment from a coworker. Very surprised and touched in that warm’n’fuzzy kinda way.

So, to those of you already on friendster on my list. Take a look at some of the options… Play with it and see what you think

For those of you on friendster who know me in person (and don’t despise me 😉 feel free to send an add request

The rest of you.. give the thing a spin. I’ve received 0 spam as a result.. so far. (YMMV)

Have at it 🙂