Archive for January 13th, 2004

This is the ultimate non-sequitur payoff. I am doing research for my Hebrew Class this evening.

I discovered the finest satire of those “Zoloft Creature” commercials.

Personally, I almost recommend Proloxil

This is too funny.

How many of these things do you recognize:

  • LJMatch
  • Friendster
  • LJ Friend to Friend connections
  • MindMap

    Folks, if you’re gonna create something very cool that does some for of LJ analysis. For the love of all that is divine, please be prepared for the net onslaught it is going to cause.

    There are 1.8 million accounts and almost a million are active. Just looking at the first page states that there are 6900 posts an hour. If you post something really cool. Your servers will pay.

    Rant off 😉