Archive for January 30th, 2004

I owe dieppe for this reference….
When you crib it, credit!

Cows with Guns… The VIDEO

And there are three flaming swords in particular this is directed at and their names are:
kaote, alegria_a, and shimmeringjemmy

A post for my love…

I got to read over a post that is close to the 2 year anniversary of it’s original appearance in my life. At the time I read it… I was awestruck and captivated. And had no intention to hit on the person or try to get involved with them. All it really did was fill me with a burst of self confidence that my own dreams weren’t wrong, or unacceptable, or unshared by anyone else in the universe….

So for me, this is an anniversary gift of sorts. For the woman I love. For the woman who at the end of February will have had my heart one year.

Things you’ve done since we got together

Memetime: I’m what?

Apparently, I am the DBSM: Deliberate Brutal Sex Master, according to the okcupid test..