Archive for June 13th, 2004


Feelin’ like a moody b*#ch today. *shrug*

MEMEtime: LJ

Cribbed from a filtered post by schnookiemuffin…

My psychodrama is far lower than it would have been…say… 3 years ago 🙂

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
Category Your Score Average LJer
Community Attachment 67.74%
You’re the Kevin Bacon of LiveJournal, with friends galore to support you. Fear lordandrei’s army of fans!
MemeSheepage 57.89%
I am but one quiz among millions. My brethren surround me on the page.
Original Content 56.45%
Using LiveJournal to express a few strong opinions
Psychodrama Quotient 18.07%
Your dark side’s safe with us
Attention Whoring 59.09%
You’d sell your mother for another three friends

I am headed to San Francisco for a conference. I will be in town from Fri, June 25 thru Sat July 3.

If you are a friend, colleague, or someone who wants to run into me (in a good manner) please either comment or drop me an email at my profile address.

Also, I am thinking of holding a poker night while I’m up there. So drop a line if you’re interested… (or if you know any good places for poker in the SF area)