Archive for June 23rd, 2004

Adapted from a post by ethernight

Gov Schwarzenegger’s office is holding a phone poll vote to the electorate on the issue of same-sex marriage.
This is a very quick and simple call! (Depending on how busy the line is.)

Make your voice heard! (916) 445-2841
Hit #5 for hot issues
Then #1 for same-sex marriage then

The decision is yours:
#1 for SUPPORT of same-sex marriage
#2 in OPPOSITION to same-sex marriage

Please, please forward this to anyone Californian to voice their opinion.

Cribbed from a filtered posting by schnookiemuffin by way of
1feisty_mosquito –> 2irsmurfette –> 3watchmeexplode –> 4derangedcarni

This meme is just silly. But, I think I did… ahem, well on it.

Look, look, look to the rainbow…