Archive for August 3rd, 2004

So only 4 people have taken the poll I posted this morning.

(Makes shooing motion) Go… Go read the post, go take the poll 😉

Tell your friends… go…go 😉

If you read the T.V. Guide, you don’t need a T.V. Grandpa, Lost Boys (1987)

I haven’t really looked at a T.V. Guide in quite a long time. So, I guess this means I’m watching T.V. Every few weeks the folks at TVG try to come up with a cover story that will prompt you to pick up this $2.50 guide to programming.

This week I got caught. The article (and 3 separate covers of which I only purchased one) was:


Well, with curiosity piqued, I had no choice.

First, here are the ‘Legends’:
Placed behind a cut…