Archive for June 16th, 2005

Edit: Fixeed(sic) spellings. I love having a pedantic editor in the house 😉

So, this one was originally posted on April 6th. So, That would put the age on finishing this post at about 71 days. (I can’t wait to see how old other dangling posts wind up being)

The post went like this:
1. Post a list of ten TV shows or fandoms you follow (current or cancelled).
2. Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show.
3. When guessed, bold the line and write a sentence about why you like the character.
4. Post in your own LiveJournal.

My List:
1. Doctor Who (Mwa ha ha)
2. Babylon 5
3. Firefly (two answers)
4. M.A.S.H.
5. Wonderfalls
6. Red Dwarf
7. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
8. Family Guy
9. You Can’t Do That on Television
And, for the final challenge:
10. Space Academy

My Answers:

Back on May 1st, I offered up some rude photo trivia in regards to finding a connection between to movies: Mary Poppins and The Wicker Man

Picture behind cut:

I am going back through old posts and tagging them. (Suddenly I feel like a gang-banger, marking my territory)

While going through them, I’m finding a rather lengthy list of, “Dangling” posts. Stuff that I said I’d follow up on, unanswered trivia, just general blog irresponsibility.

So, I will be trying to tie up old posts as I move backwards tagging them.

I got a load of responses to the following:

name as many bands as you can that you felt were:

  • ahead of their time
  • Really great
  • didn’t make it big with the masses at the time of their release

Below the cut is a list of people came up with, along with some comments:
which bands were they?

25 or 6 to 4

Congestion at about 30%.. My nose is doing that stunning ballet where one nostril is absolutely clear and the other is hermetically sealed. It’s a ballet because at a moment’s notice, the one nostril will pick the other up for a lovely grande jete and then they will switch roles.

The body aches are also down to about 10 %. It could just be a good moment in my back cycle.

The downside is that despite NyQuil I am wide awake. Ahh, yes. The Nighttime sniffling, sneezing, why the f*$& am I staring at the bedroom ceiling medicine.

In other news, yes, LJ has gotten all tagified. Yay. I can post things now and label them in advance. Eventually, these tags will probably form a system of filtering for the reader. For now…. just more meta data.

Granted, I know this change has sent fraserspeirs off to see what hackery he can do to XJournal.