Archive for June 27th, 2006

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Regrettably, I am unable to reply to any email from constituents outside of the x– District of Washington.

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Guess that answers that question.

Congressperson XXX is a Democrat outside my district representation. XXX Voted in favor of the resolution to create a constitutional amendment to prevent desecration of the flag. I was moved to write the following. I don’t expect a response. I don’t even expect the representative to read it. Still, I’m going to post it here. I’m curious to hear what my readers thing.

Dear Congressperson XXX,

I am admittedly not a consituant in your district. I moved to Washington State in June of 2005 into district #2. I am writing to simply state that I am gravely disappointed.

I have read that you voted in favor of HJ Res 10 supporting a Constitutional amendment to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.

The United States Constitution has been a document designed to limit the powers of the US Government. In only one case has it been changed to limit the rights of people. This was Prohibition. This amendment was struck shortly after its passage.

By supporting this, you are supporting regulating the rights of the People in the constitution. Specifically, you are removing the right to voice free expression.

Our country was founded on the idea that we may speak and express ourselves freely regardless if the general public agrees with us or not.

But, I am not writing you to attempt to convey my views of how I perceive the constitution is supposed to work.

I am writing because I am disappointed that issues like this still come up in Congress when there are so many issues that will be overshadowed or in general ignored that actually would help the people of this nation.

I consider myself an active voter. I research the candidates and issues on my ballot. However, I have found myself often ignoring issues outside my district. 

I can’t do that anymore after seeing this issue.

I am writing because I am curious not only why you voted in support of this issue, but more importantly if you really support this style of legislation that really accomplishes nothing in support of the things we really need our government to fix.

-Andrei Freeman
Snohomish, WA