Archive for December 27th, 2006

I saw this on maeghanne‘s journal.

Which to those not with the program is in fact pronounced:
Mah’- egg” – uh – han” – uh -nay’

She posted a Chirstmas Carol

It made me muchly smile in my wry and twisted way.

I am putting it behind a cut because it is assuredly over mature material.

No clicky if you no old enough! 😉

So, I’ve reactivated my Netflix once again-again.

Translation: I found those discs that came in about 3 months ago and sent them back in.

So.. once again I find myeslf asking the all important question….

Are you on Netflix? Can I add you to share recommendations?

If you’d like to link to my Netflix. Just click this link.

That is all.