Archive for January, 2007

I’m not going to go into a complete review of The Aristocrats which I finally saw on Netflix today while on baby watch.

Suffice it to say… It was amazing. I loved it. And I don’t recommend it to anyone unless you can transcend vulgarity to see the meta-humour.

I would like to point out 2 things from the documentary. One is an fantastically performed version of the joke as a series of card tricks.

But the most important thing is a quote from Saint George Carlin. Because it hit me on a philosophical level at the core of who I am. It’s an interesting quotation because I know it is fundamentally how I feel about the world and how I live my life. It seems to run utterly counter to the philosophy of Thelema that is also very much a piece of who I am. I see how the two paths run together in my universe. And it also makes it clearer to me when I’ve really pissed people off in my world.

I like this because it puts together an idea in a very simple and succinct way while not losing any of the impact of it’s viciously subversive nature.

I do like finding out where the line is drawn, deliberately crossing it, bringing some of them with me across the line, and having them be happy that I did. – George Carlin

Possibly, I’ll go further about “The Aristocrats” later.

shimmeringjemmy‘s work. Really good quiz.

Your knowledge of the Book of the Law is 100%!


Congratulations. Either you’re a mutant-memoried freak of nature, or you’re an obsessed basement occultist with no life. In the interest of politeness, we won’t deign to guess which.

Book of the Law
Take More Quizzes

Yes… I looked some things up

Today’s schedule

0400 Wake up (Clean up/dress)
0415 Feed the Kitty, collect work stuff
0420 Off to work (Snohomish to Redmond)
0445 In office
0500 Update codebase
0515 Work on Code
0845 Code works, build test versions
0900 Back to home for Dentist (Redmond to Snohomish)
0945 Stop at home. Greet family. Yay family
1000 Off to dentist (inspection, cleaning)
1200 Back to office for meetings (Snohomish to Redmond)
1245 Demo of mostly working code to PM
1300 Restroom and caffiene
1315 Prep for main meeting (Write this LJ Post)
1330 Team meeting
1530 Check in code changes from morning
1545 Head for home (Redmond to Snohomish)
1700 Arrive home.
1730 With family stop by grocery for IF dinner (We’re catering tonight)
1800 Off to IF (Snohomish to Monroe)
1830 Intimate Fire meeting (w/ dinner)
2030 Head for home (Monore to Snohomish)
2100 Home. Hopefully aiden_freeman will go to sleep. 17 hr day.

Fortunately, they are very rarely this bad.

This time it’s a YouTube Video AAAAND a Poll.

That’s right kids… This is Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister in the video for his cover of Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles.

So.. you tell me.

My undergraduate study (well one of them) was directing for stage. This of course was complimented by classes in Musical Theatre, Radio/TV Production, Film theory…

Directing is my first love. Once I get a cast into a rehearsal hall I am in ecstasy. I can pummel 15 minutes of a show for 3 hours and find driving emotions from a performer. I can buzz thru 45 minutes of material in 5 minutes and not lose the quality of a scene. It’s all a question of focus.

But enough threats to people I will soon work with 😉

One of the things that is rare to most of us in theatre, tv, and non-professional film production is ‘pre-casting.’ Pre-casting is where one can take the media and say, “I want X to play the role.”

I actually learned the process from my father (who had pretty much 0 contact with media). His favourite book was “The Stand” {i’ve never been able to make it thru anything by King}. He’d re-read the book every 2 years to then talk about ‘who should be in the movie.’

Many people like to play the pre-cast game. Certain media begs for it. Among my favourites that are (were) continually pre-cast by the public are: “Wrinkle in Time”, “The Endless/Sandman Series”, “X-Men”… and so forth. (Note: I’ve given up on Annie Lennox playing Desire.. She’s too old now. I guess I’ll just have to go with Tilda Swinton)

Of course then you get into “Hell-casting” where you pick the worst coupling of Director and Media and then decide how they’d cast it. “Spike Lee directs The Music Man with Eddie Murphy as Harold Hill and Chris Rock as the annoying kid with a lisp that Ron Howard played.”

Try a few of these Hell Castings if you like
Stanley Kubrick directs Pee Wee’s Big Adventure
M. Night Shyamalan directs Gone with the Wind
Tim Burton directs Cats (hrmn.)
George A. Romero directs Rent
Oliver Stone directs The Crow
and of course
Steven Speilberg and George Lucas co direct Mary Poppins
But I digress.

DaVinci Code was a stickler for me. I knew before I even read the book that Tom Hanks was hands down the absolute worst casting ever done.

Well, this is if we define casting as “Who is the best actor to represent the character in the book” If we define casting as, “In the hollywood political substructure, which name will counterbalance our budget with a guaranteed return to make this an instant blockbuster in the first few weeks until the word of mouth kills our revenue flow”

But to be honest… I couldn’t find an actor that worked for me. I was happy with one choice from the film. I was begrudgingly okay with another… but I wanted my perfect cast. Who would have made the film scream for me? When I do this kind of casting I do not think of budgets, name quality, politics. I put actor vs. actor based on what I’ve seen them do.

While ranting about tDvC last night I finally got my answers:

oh yes… and before you read…
Yes, virginia. There are spoilers.

How would Andrei Cast the Davinci Code?