Archive for February, 2007

Recently I was asked about my writing on the topic of Thelema. I’d made a lengthy post about it almost 4 years ago.

(looks back) Dear heavens! This journal turned 5 years old on October 18th. W00t


The post talks about some basic views I have (note: I have.. my views… all mine… can’t claim they’re right for anyone but me.) um.. of Thelema.

Please enjoy. 🙂

So every 4-8 months I try to post this.

I sometimes (well, rarely) make posts to filters. These filters are things that just will not make the main public page… ever.

Unfortunately if you want to be on these filters you have to do 5 things.

1) Have a livejournal account. (Which makes me feel really bad for Cindee until she hunkers down and bites the bullet.) {Your Auntie Andrei will always love you.}

2) Go to my Administrivia posting which describes my filters (at least the ones I want people to know about)

3) Check off the ones you would like to be on. (Or off if you’re a bored old timer.)

4) Make a comment to that post that you’ve made selections. (You don’t need to say in the comments which ones you’ve chosen. Actually for privacy, you probably shouldn’t. I can read it in the poll) But commenting tells me to look at the poll for your current list.

5) Important: Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see anything. Some of the filters are used rarely. Some you won’t be put on just for asking. (OTO for example requires me to know that you’re an initiate.)

Sounds like a lot.. But it keeps me just that inch further away from insanity.

Thanks! **Waves**

Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead

Caveat: This is a rant. It is mean spirited and lashes out against someone. Please do not take it as a defining point of who I am. It’s just something I want to get out of my system. Thank you.


aiden_freeman had gotten to the point where he indicates when he wants to sit up. He holds out his arms, I take his hands and he pulls himself to a sitting position.

For those that are worried, I do not pull on the arms, he does this entirely by himself.

Well tonight he decided to mess with my head.

He started waving wildly, so I took his hands.

He pulled himself up (what seemed to be) very quickly. So quickly that I was convinced he was going overbalance and fall forwards.

Instead, as he rolled past his center of balance He stretched his legs.

That’s right.. he went from a laying position through a sitting position and stood up.

Now he can’t sit or stand fully on his own. But watching him rise to his feet assisted, knowing that it was his decision to get to his feet was amazing. And just a little bit terrifying.

P.S. I wrote this as I was dozing off. interestingly, every-time I nodded off, I kept typing what was at the edge of my brain. I’ve had to delete at least 5 lines of subconscious drivel.

For those watching Heroes, the License plate on Hiro’s father’s car was in fact “NCC 1701”. For those who aren’t watching… Hiro’s father is being played by George Takei

All I have to say about tonight’s episode…

That’s probably going to greatly reduce the number of “Claire-Peter” ‘shippers