Archive for April, 2007

Vonnegut passed Wednesday from complications to a brain injury last week.

I have read several of his books and considered him one of my favourite authors.

He was a little bit crazy, but he nonetheless always sparked philosophical thought.

Unto them from whose eyes the veil of life hath fallen may there be granted the accomplishment of their true Wills; whether they will absorption in the Infinite, or to be united with their chosen and preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve the labour and heroism of incarnation on this planet or another, or in any Star, or aught else, unto them may there be granted the accomplishment of their wills; yea, the accomplishment of their wills.

May your divine quest by Boku-maru never be threatened by the Hyook even in the face of so-called freedom.

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Heroes Theories

I have read comic books for too damned long for my own good.

Somewhere in history around the beginning of season 6 of Buffy (in a post I can not find) I wrote about the upcoming season 6:

It’s gotta be Willow this year. She’s just too damned strong. But something is going to drive her over the edge. Probably one of the 3 geeks will injure/kill tara. We know how well Willow deals when she loses someone… It’s usually magick and it’s bad. You’ll get some killer Buffy vs. Big Bad Willow stuff going on. Now if I were writing it. I’d have Xander be the one who saves the day. Not buffy. He’s known Willow the longest. He can get right into the core of who she is no matter what they do to “big-bad-ify” her.

This little pronouncement got me invited at my first DragonCon to sit on a few Buffy panels concerning Story Arc.

Currently, my favourite show hands down is Doctor Who. This post. Has nothing to do with Doctor Who.

My second favourite show, on the other hand is “Heroes”

Heroes has some amazing writing that just happens to be all interwoven sooper sekrit arc.

Today after being given a small hint… My mind blew up and I came up with some very strong theories.

If you are not watching Heroes… (Well you should)… If you are watching it and don’t like spoilers/theories… you really don’t want to click ahead… But in general… I have an idea.

SPOLIERS? Well, if you’d been wondering…

So.. niftiness. We are off to Norwescon.

We have an agenda this year.

1) Autographs from cmpriest
2) Scoping out the dealer’s room for ideas for shimmeringjemmy

Granted.. if we run into damiana_swan or herne51 that’s really not a horrible thing 😀

The nifty part of this post.. is that I’ve finally gotten my cell phone working as a portable modem. So we are literally en-route.

This means that we have IM and net on the go.

Yes, I really can be that level of geek.

But it’s con day… so there.

Aiden turned 7 month on my birthday. People born on the 3rd rock! 😉

So, since shimmeringjemmy gave the descriptive

…it’s up to me to supply the evidence.

Pictures taken with the built in iSight on the Mac Book Pro… So… quality could be better.

Plus!!!!! New Icon.