Archive for May, 2007

So… yes. I’m a software developer. This means that I can count to 16 very easily. So easily that I use letters to fill the space until I hit 10 (referring to 16, without abandon or care)

I’ve tired of base 16. I decided to play with something a little more obscure.

I played with base 7.4

Where is in decimal you have : 1000s, 100s, 10s, 1s, .1, .10, .100, etc…

In base 7.4 you have:
7.4^3, 7.4^2, 7.4^1, 7.4^0, 7.4^-1, 7.4^-2, 7.4^-3

So at first all worked out.
10(10) = 12.431644201(7.4)
9(10) = 11.431644201(7.4)
8(10) = 10.431644201(7.4)

Then I made the mistake of solving for
7.4(10) = 10(7.4)
I came up with 7.270551032(7.4)

that’s right. In Base 7.4:
10(7.4) == 7.270551032(7.4)


I love moments when you prove different numbers are the same.

I looked at shimmeringjemmy at this point and said, “I think I broke Math”

So… my new form of using rational non-integers as numeration bases shall from this day forward have a name.

I call my system:

“Crystal Math”

Back in March I posted a video of a Beatbox Floutist. Or would that be a flute-playing beatbox?

Today, I introduce folks to Lasse Gjertsen. Lasse is not a beatbox. He doesn’t play drums or piano. He is a director and a movie editor.

That being said… Below are two very impressive works by him that display his ability to come off as an unbelievably fantastic beatbox, piano player, and drummer. While still having no ability whatsoever.

I strongly suggest watching in the order listed.

Youtube thru the cut.

Your Daily YouTube

Now featuring some of the worst (and I mean worst) movie clips of all time.

First a commercial:

Now our program… How many do you remember (Note: 30 minutes, Safe for work)