Archive for October, 2008

I guess I’m one of Obama cronies

Help support the harshest month of the election by donating to Obama’s campaign.

Even $5 helps, Even $1 helps… Granted more helps.. but any amount is better than nothing.

In general we’ll be opening the house to friends for the debates coming up (both), election night coverage, and other such things we feel fit the bill.

We do ask that you at least give us a heads up if you might come.


And yes.. the house tends to have a distinctly blue tint.

(Life makes it hard to get these posts out in a timely fashion)

Note: I’ve been working on this post for over a week. Time and a desire to get this post complete have delayed it)

As many have noticed I’ve recently added overnight twitter aggregation to my LiveJournal. To give the full detail, I’ve in fact linked a twitter account, a facebook account, and my LiveJournal.

The twitter aggregation occurs at 3:35 in the morning. (This time is in fact intentional and bonus points to anyone who can tell me why)

This led to two very honest, direct, and excellent questions

Awww...Andrei, why are you twittering? :-(

Can you make a filter and filter me out?

I started to answer in the comment that asked me this, but realised that my answer needed to be far more broad based. (translation, overly verbose with many side topics that wander very far from the question before giving a specific answer)

To avoid the trappings mentioned let me get the following out of the way:
1) Curiosity
2) I’ll see what I can do.

So, why use twitter to begin with?
I’ll put a cut here, so nobody has to bother with reading something I wrote that actually has substance.

I hate slamming the opposition during political races. Well, okay.. I don’t support the, “We=good guys, they=bad guys.” But I shall rest on my hypocrisy long enough to have a tiny bit of fun.

The current meme asks:
Post a picture of someone or something that is smarter than Sarah Palin

So I had to go with the most common denominator.

Well, gosh I have to go with the obvious

Yes, I admit it. I have a lot of pictures of aiden_freeman. I’m averaging about 700 a year. Every now and then I try to get artistic. Sometimes… art just happens.

A few weekends ago, we took Aiden to Wild Waves park. He’s been eagerly loading himself into the car. On this trip, he got in the car and pressed up against the window for the first time. I was fortunate to have my cell camera ready. I’m actually really happy with how this picture came out.

Main picture behind the cut.