Tag Archive: dating

Dating site epic fail
Here are two pieces of email received from a facebook based dating site.
Dating site epic fail

I don’t know about you. But personally, I think they really need help with their algorithm here. Is it really in their best interest to say:
Hey! 56 people looked at you. Only two are interested.

So much for facebook.

Please read carefully, This is not what you think it is.

Also, with due respect to the people I do consider friends and loved ones who’ve posted on this topic; this is not a personal attack on you.

Comments are not screened. If you’ve ever had a smidge of a crush on me and you haven’t let me know about it; I really don’t want you to comment about it quietly and secretly in my journal. Personally, I’d rather you tell me. Face to face.

See, more often than naught, I consider myself the monarch of low self-image. Therefore, I tend not to ask (anymore) to see if people crush on me. I tried it once a while ago. I got no responses. And with a friend’s list at the time numbering about 150 of which I had crushes on no less than about 45 people… it was… well not what I was hoping for. Amusingly, the girlfriend at the time opted not to respond either assuming I’d get lots of responses.

I contemplated why I posted it. What good would it do me? X, Y, and Z might have a crush on me. Oh gosh I hope Y tells me they have a crush on me? Oh, wait… what do I do if X tells me they have a crush on me.. I hope they don’t. Why open myself to all this? Well, the result was fun. No one I was interested in replied… no one I wasn’t interested in replied.

I like to resort to my rather dense side on this topic. When I’m out with someone I’m really more interested in learning about them and being myself with them instead of trying to fish for a pick up. I’d love to think people are crushing on me. But I really don’t want to bait it on LiveJournal. If someone likes me… I’d really the person to tell me. Preferably in person. I don’t have a lot of time to get out anymore. So I’d like to see someone who takes the time to become involved with me.

So, I guess; wondering if I have secret crushes out there over me doesn’t interest me anymore because I don’t have time for them. I don’t have the time to put in the energy in the delusion that someone that I think is attractive to me in an intellectual, personality, or physical way; actually will desire to do more than interact with me as a friend. In truth being told someone has a crush on me feels more like a tease than anything else.

I’ve kept too many personal fires in the past two years for people who I know have no plans to help me fan them.

Feel free to comment below. I won’t mock you, only you and I and anyone who chooses to read the comments of this post will ever know.

This is also an anti-meme. Meaning I’m not trying to spread my thoughts to others… I’m just speaking my own mind.

P.S. despite the tone of this I am in a good mood and the tone of this is meant to be matter of fact.

Blogthings is a site with some of the most anticlimactic, well named memes on the net.

At blogthings you can find things like, “Which Freudian Psychologic Disorder are you?”
The test with then consist of two questions:
1) Do you like your parents?
2) No, really. Do you like your parents?

So after about 5-8 convoluted questions you are given a succinct answer on a an typically ungaugable topic. the results of which you post with a viral marketing verve to continue the existence of the hapless and useless (as 50% of the stores in a mall) web site.

Gosh lordandrei, you say to yourself. That’s a rather strong, petty, and pompously verbose description of a web site that you yourself use.

So, what motivated me to write this while relaxing and meditating this morning?

Today’s test was brought to me by fellow Aries underpantz. The test:
What sign should I never date.

I am posting because after careful consideration of the 7 complex questions. After knowing the things I’ve gone thru and the happiness I’ve found.

Blogthings has decided:

Never Date a Cancer

Clingy, emotional, and very private – it’s hard to escape a Cancer’s clutches.
And while Cancer will want to know everything about you, they’re anything but open in return.

Instead try dating: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, or Aquarius

Personally, I can say from experience that it’s Aquarius and Aries(Sun Saturn) I should never date.

This is mostly but not completely accurate. But gave me a smile

Sinfest for today…