Dating site epic fail Here are two pieces of email received from a facebook based dating site. |
I don’t know about you. But personally, I think they really need help with their algorithm here. Is it really in their best interest to say:
Hey! 56 people looked at you. Only two are interested.
So much for facebook.
I’m not sure if it’s the same app, but I got a “download this app” teaser that said 1 person has a crush on me and 2 people hate me.
Um. I don’t think I’m interested in knowing who hates me (if they don’t have the guts to tell me themselves). Thanks.
I *HATES* the facebuk! A few of my friends insist on using it and I resisted as long as I could.
I much prefer my familliar LJ.
I’m technically still resisting. I only have a Facebook account so I can see more PostSecret. ^_^
Aww fess up
Which one is yours :?)
On the other hand, if I look at 56 profiles and find 2 that pique my interest then that seems pretty good to me. However, something tells me that a Facebook add-on probably does not have a very advanced matchmaker algorithm.