Tag Archive: self

Do you believe in angels?

This is a really good question. I’ll say right off the bat… chreubs with wings and halos.. or any human with wings and halos… Not so much.

Now, I am a ceremonialist. LBRP at 20 paces and all. So I invoke the power of the archangels. And for visualization I go all the way. Michael: Big Guy.. flaming sword.

But belief… That’s a different question. The concept of Angels in ceremonial magick, kaballah, and some biblical studies is sort of the middle management between the divine and physical world of existence.

You know I have enough problems trying to find my physical purpose and my attainment of a divine that transcends everything I might proscribe to it.

Now… There is the concept of the Holy Guardian Angel, I kind of view that as the first step to divinity beyond the perfection of self in this world. And maybe it is a separate entity or a projection of the divine that specifically deals with issues between me and the divine…. as opposed to everyone else.

As a kid I thought that Jim Croce was my guardian angel….

So… 93 == YMMV

I’m really not sure what’s really up there beyond what I see. And I find the less I try to personify it, the better I begin to touch it.

Does that help at all?

Saturday, much to the surprise of family, I did not use my laptop for 24 hrs.

In fact, I didn’t use laptop, computer, cell phone, etc.

Personally, I felt I’d been spending too much time locked and loaded in.

Granted, Saturday was an easy day to try this because a good part of the day involved OLO.

Unfortunately, OLO gave way to me getting hit by the cosmic junk currently going around this week. (Less than fun).. To the point of missing princekermit‘s debut as a Deacon in the Mass. (Of which I reallllly wanted to attend)

Today, I’m recovering as best I can. I’m popping cough drops and corporate-pill-box multi-symptom cold tablets.
I am experiementing with another self-discipline test. I have managed to not put on my glasses today.

I have 20-35 vision. Which makes me highly functional, albeit blurred slightly at range. I can’t clearly read my name plate on the door about 15 feet away. However, I can read the spines of the reference books about 2-3 feet away with practically no blurring.

So, why am I doing this.

I have been noticing that I’ve been acting more impulsively of late. I don’t mind being in a schedule or having a rigid daily practice. However, I do mind when I do things automatically without thinking. A good example of this is loosing my glasses when in fact they are in the pocket of my shirt. Another example is forgetting where I’ve put a half drunk can of soda.

I want to have better control of the things I do. Why I do them. When I should and shouldn’t be doing things. And most importantly, keeping track of the things I do. (Yay to ADHD absent mindedness)

So… We’ll see how this little experiment goes.

Translation: Do I ever post on the topic again or is this just the “Distraction du jour”


(Opens brain case and pokes at his own brain)

“No, no. Don’t tug on that. You never know what it’s attached to” – Buckaroo Banzai to Sydney “New Jersey” Zweibel while doing Brain Surgery.

This is Meez

This is meez… It’s better than most sites for self customization. For those who know me… how did it come out?