Archive for December 14th, 2005

Wonderful quotation

I have often been accused of being a font of useless information. I collect trivia and minutia. More often than not from Media (TV, Film, Music).

The truth is, it is through popular culture that we draw the strongest analogies for representing life.

This being said, I also collect quotations.

And on and on….

Thanks to the link from rodneyorpheus.

I should point out this link to ebay…. maaaaaaaaay not entirely be work safe 🙂

My only comment on this… Hmmn, tentacles, a place for an optional attachment. Clever, Adorable, and yet… functional.

There is muchly much on my mind. Much good, some not so good. I will decide if I wish to post or not post as I will.

But to deal with it, I will now post this piece of copyrighted comedy that I have no right to do so. I do so for no profit and will remove upon request.

I post this because, in a small way something in here speaks to the way I feel.

Sing along if you know the words