The last members of Team A (Saturday 6am Pacific for 24 hrs) are finishing up.
The members of Team B (Saturday 9pm Pacific) are are approaching their 9th hour.
Which for me looking back.. was about the time I was running errands.
This has been a hell of a ride.
My closing words in 30 minutes!
You can still sponsor me throughout TUESDAY at 9PM Pacific time. Even though Blogathon is over:
Registration required
You can sponsor by the hour or a simple monetary donation.
Thanks to my sponsors so far. We’ve raised $516.93 for Planned Parenthood
Don’t forget… Sponsors for $5 or more get a FireSeaStudios art card of their choosing.
I also recommend he following blogathon bloggers:
shadesong* is raising money for the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
rhiannonstone* is raising money for San Francisco Sex Information
*I am a sponsor of this Blog for Blogathon