I’m going to keep this one short:

I’m intending to run for the LiveJournal Advisory Board. Nominations open May 5th (Monday)

I’d like your support. If you’d like to support me; here’s what you can do.

1) Post in your journal that I’m going to run and request your readers do the same. (Link back here)

2) Read:
the post about what this actually means
My original statement of intent

3) On May 5th, I will post the link to my nomination; I need at lest 100 different user comments that say, “I support this nomination”

4) Question me, question the process: If you have any questions, concerns, advise, etc… Please feel free to comment here.

I think I am qualfied, motivated, and passionate enough to have a positive effect on LiveJournal and be a fair representative of the different types of users that LJ has.


By the way: If anyone would like to help me with graphics or badges for this endeavor…. I would be very appreciative.