Archive for May 25th, 2008

Class Reminder

I will be teaching a class this coming Tuesday (May 27) at Horizon Oasis’ Temple in Capitol Hill, in Seattle.

The class is called “The Theatrical Tools of Ritual Drama

Here is das blurb (Yes, there always has to be a blurb)

In crafting ritual drama we spend painstaking hours studying god forms, mystical correspondences, arcane languages, and symbolic representations. Our tool set must not stop there for that is only half the equation. The use of text, performance, environment, and participation of those assembled all come from an art form that is as old as communication itself; theatre. In this class we will examine the tools of the theatre world and how they can be employed in conjunction with Ritual to raise and complement our magickal work.

This class starts at 7pm (which gives almost everyone time to get there after work… unless of course, you wish to traverse the 520 bridge)

The class is open to ANYONE. You do not need to be OTO, Pagan, Theatrical, …. Breathing is preferred.

No preparation is necessary. Donations to Horizon Oasis are welcome and will not be refused 😉

Those of you in Pittsburgh and Boston, should hop a plane now.

Really crappy icky uncharacteristic dreams last night.

Hopefully my frame of mind won’t be too off today.