• 11:44 Took NyQuil this morning for a cold. Slept another 3 hours immediately and have been feeling stoned since waking up. #
  • 15:18 New post at tosocnet.com We miss trn shortna.me/4b46f #
  • 15:32 Okay.. with some edits.. now the article is done #
  • 18:28 twitpic.com/z5ff – Dinner with the family at Red Lobster piurl.com/,bH : current location #
  • 00:04 3 weeks of unclaimed garbage at the curbside. They better not charge extra. Waiting for evening ‘knock you on your ass’ tea to steep. #
  • 00:06 Would love to ask @stephenfry why Drag consistently works as a popular form of humour in Britain. Never been able to fully appreciate it. #

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