Archive for January 6th, 2009

Hard to fight the feeling that I’ve stopped being shiny and as a result have completely been dropped from my communities.

It’s LJ, have to post like this at least once in a while.

Updated entry here:

I don’t mean to sound alarmist… well, okay.. I do mean to sound alarmist.

Today’s post on my blog tosocnet will give all the details of why I’ve started this meme and perhaps why I suggest you consider doing the same.

All comments for this post are screened for privacy
If you actively or even inactively read me on LJ please consider leaving a comment with the following:

1) Your name or nickname you want me to remember you by
2) A Contact email
3) Other social networking sites you use. The best way to leave them is one of two ways:
    3a) A link to your profile page on the site
    3b) In URI format: okcupid://lordandrei
(note: I don’t need your LJ profile, obviously)

List as many as you can!
Here are some ideas: LinkedIn, Friendster, Tribe, Facebook, OKCupid, Classmates, Twitter, Orkut (Well, if you’re brazillian I guess), Amazon, Netflix

By the way… you may want to archive your LJ’s just for safety. Sadly in my case that’s over 2600 entries over a little more than 7 years.

To allay panic: I don’t think LJ is going to vanish any time in the near future.

Daily Twittering

  • 10:54 @feliciaday I’m not worried about you vs. Joss. I’m worried about you vs. Internet Geek Juggernaut @wilw that’d just be cruel to vote over. #
  • 10:57 Checking out my TweetStats! I guess, I’ve become a regular user. #
  • 11:54 @eschaton Is there any documentation about what #pragmas are defined for usage in XCode? There seems to be a huge drift between it and CW. #
  • 11:56 @jagienka23 Pipes bursting in a library just spells out all kinds of suck. #
  • 11:58 @stevier Unfortunately, wmv doesn’t always run natively on the mac and QT or flash has to be installed on win. (more…) #
  • 11:59 @stevier I think the best option is going to be dependant on how many of each platform you’re dealing with. Catch me on AIM for more info. #
  • 13:14 Three cheers for helping folks through your profession. Yay! (other 2 cheers forthcoming) #
  • 14:15 @livingartist Okay.. that’s the depths of twitter hell you’ve just entered #
  • 20:56 @stevier I didn’t know you were a canasta player. Where do you play online? #
  • 21:03 @eschaton Badly worded question on my part. I was trying to say that there seems to be differences between Apple’s GCC and the opensrc vers #
  • 01:06 Boy was up and down all night. Going to have to do Tuesday’s post on the morning bus ride. Posted by noon. Fixed the feed. #
  • 01:08 New post at Long night with toddler delays Tuesday’s post #

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