- 11:33 New post at tosocnet.com Meta: Short – By request… Feeds are full stories again shortna.me/6bc6b #
- 13:25 @windbourne What is “a singular food” ? #
- 15:30 Wondering why the symbols for Minutes and Seconds are the same symbols as Feet and Inches. Sure… both are divisible by 12, but…come on!! #
- 16:25 Bus home… 10 minutes late. Even on my early day… It’s a long way home #
- 16:37 Blessings upon @windbourne for: tinyurl.com/5zjvt2 The internet has jumped the shark, nuked the fridge and is now closed for repairs #
- 00:01 New post at tosocnet.com Meta: Mr. Microphone asks… shortna.me/6317d #
- 02:20 @fraserspeirs Greetings. Good to see you again. I hope code and projects are going well. #
- 02:21 Completely unable to sleep tonight. Not surprised. Wasting time wondering who might be online #
- 03:08 @fraserspeirs will check to see if I have your current email on the morning. Going to make another attempt on sleep. #
- 03:09 Where is my inner Tyler Durdin when I need him? #
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