Well, it’s arranged and official.

Baring any strangeness or emergencies. I will be Deaconing my first EGC Mass on September 7, 2002 through the Blue Horizon Camp of the OTO.

I’ve been acting in the role as child for a while and have been itching to move into a more officerial position in the Mass. I’d gotten bitten by the bug about 4-5 years ago when a friend asked me to officiate as the Priest at her wedding. To explain this, I was infact performing a legal wedding. Their original plan was to go to a JP and do a quick, “Do you? Do you? Okay, you’re done” and then hold a ‘performance” of their wedding that weekend in a Castle with me playing the role of Priest.

It turned out that in Massachusettes, one can be granted a 24 Hr. JP License through application and by character reference of a Lawyer. (Yes, the latter of this sounds like an oxymoron) As a result, I was the officiator of the wedding. It was an amazing experience bringing together two friends in this form of atmosphere and definitely aided in charging me further down my own religious path.

So, now the door has opened a bit wider, and I am now intensifying my studies in the Mass to prepare for my role as Decon in about 45 days.

Happy, excited, Andrei!!!

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