Archive for March 17th, 2006

I have just mailed the company I interviewed with my post interview followup letter. This is a gentle prodding a few days later on an arranged date. This is the email that says, “Okay guys, you saw me, you saw other people. It’s time to let me off the waiting hook.” Granted it is written much more professionally than that.

Now is a good time to sent the universe messages of, “The next email Andrei receives back is an offer letter.”

Wednesday night coming home from our local Thelemic Magickal Group I looked at the clock.

It was the Ides of March, 2006. It was 11:34 pm. And I had been an initiate of the order for 8 years.

My minerval occurred at 11:34pm, March 15, 1998.

At some point I should post my OTO resume for my own reference. 🙂