Archive for September, 2006

Memetime: Oh the agony

Picked this one up from schnookiemuffin

You are 60% white and nerdy.
How White and Nerdy Are You?

Surprisingly, I expected higher. But then again, I wasn’t much into geek clubs in HS and believe it or not, I am not fluent in JavaScript or Klingon. Also.. MySpace… I just don’t get into it.

And for the record: My favourite Theme Song is the Addams Family.

As pointed out last night, the new player in this little town we call the internet is Bitacle.

Bitacle is aggregating content and serving it with advertising. The problem is… they aren’t asking anyone if the content is allowed to be served for a commercial purpose.

How does this differ from YouTube, Kazaa, Limewire…etc?

In those cases, people are simply taking owned content and using it. There isn’t any advertising. Now… if youtube starts generating huge amounts of income… that will change the playing field.

Effectively, what Bitacle is doing is going into a movie theatre, filming the movie in perfect digital quality, and then selling the copy. They go even further by stating that they hold the copyright on the material.

Copyright is one of these ‘implied’ things. You do have it, but it does help to state it. If you are reading this on a self styled ‘friends’ page you will see the content in your self styled format. On the other hand, if you’re viewing it on my journal, or on the specific page for the post (as in via clicking thru a cut), at the right on the page you see a wealth of ‘Net Badges”. The third one states the copyright of the content. A click thru states… this content may be used, but not for commercial purposes without contacting the author.

Copyright is also very clear in one fact. It is the responsibility of the user of the content to assure that they have properly checked what the status of the work is. It is also the responsibility of the owner to take action if they feel their copyright has been violated.

1) I didn’t know I couldn’t see this work isn’t an excuse
2) If you don’t tag them for this… then you have nothing to complain about.

So… within 24 hours of discovering this, verifying it, and analyzing if they were in violation of my copyright… I have written Bitacle an email.

It is simple and to the point. I strongly suggest anyone who has had content taken by Bitacle read this:

Letter below the cut

Do for a Christmas 2006 release to internet.

Star Trek: Of Gods and Men

Staring a bunch of Trek actors.

See the web page, see the trailer. Doesn’t actually look bad.

Bitacle Debacle

It’s been discovered that has been stealing the entire content of some blogs, repackaging it, crediting it as their own, relicensing it under Creative Commons and offering it on their own site which is filled with adverts. This is a method of banning these idiots.

read more | digg story

I went to the bitacle site to discover that the site refuses to load now. Aparently within 24 hours they have taken so much flack that they’ve either taken the service down or been hit by an uncontrollable wave of Denial of Service attacks.

Personally, I’d have liked to see if my content was on there. I actually have the creative content license on my journal page. My license says that the contents may be used but NOT for commercial purposes.

Translation: If they are using advertising with my content, it is in direct violation of stated copyright. I am pretty sure I can sue for damages. 😀

Autumn Rocks

shimmeringjemmy has already posted but I’m gonna add in to the elation.

Intimate Fire had its first public ritual tonight at Moonflower Magicks. A fantastic Occult store in Everett Washington.

shimmeringjemmy wrote the ritual which is now up on the IF site

Sister N. Brought coloured candles for the elements, a central altar table, Port, and wonderful honey bread for eucharist. I supplied Apple Juice (for those who did not will to take alcohol), SJ supplied the talismans (beautiful little glass stones with one of the numbers 0-21 on them)

We were expecting about 4-5 people…. 16 showed. Everyone enjoyed, participated, asked questions, took communion. It was fantastic. One of the new people who’d never heard of Thelema, OTO, or Intimate Fire offered to read the role of Thoth and was awesome.

N.E. Puget Sound has a definite Pagan community and all of the attendees asked if we’d be doing more.

Oh, yes, the 19 day old boy for his second ritual… was perfectly behaved. He’s 2 for 2.

The real test for him is tomorrow 🙂

happy bouncy Proto-Master of CIF. Yay yay yay. 🙂