With all due credit to tzaddi_93 for bringing this one back for me.
Edit: 7:45 am: – I will note who got each one correct up until I expose the answer. So if you guessed it 2nd but before I exposed it; you’ll get solving props too.
Edit: 7:50 am: – I will expose the correct answer for your first guess. If you guess more than one right… I’ll credit you, but not expose it until either someone else guesses it else enough time elapses that no one else get is. Reason… I have an extremely talented person on my list who got them all. marta_s rocks. So I’m going to list her here in the main post to credit her and this way others can still guess.
Edit 6:36 pm: – All answers are guessed. All comments unscreened
Big props to marta_s for getting them all right reallllly fast
Strong props to apsulute and paulrhume for early mutliple guesses
Great work to exnomine, tzaddi_93, shimmeringjemmy and o1oo1ooo for hitting some good multples as well.
Okay, here’s one going around that I’ll do.
I will list 10 (well, 12) movie quotes. You need to guess the film. (The character is icing, but not necessary)
Comments are screened until guessed, then correct guessers will be edited into the post.
1. – Teen Wolf – 1985 (Coach Finsstock): There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese. jedi_dad edged o1oo1ooo by just a few minutes
2. – Buffy (film) – 1992 (Amilyn): You ruined my new jacket! Kill him A LOT! shimmeringjemmy (Referring to Pike after running him into a tree and tearing off an arm)
3. – Better of Dead 1985 – (Charles De Mar): I’ve been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I’m no dummy. apsulute (Late but good guesses: tzaddi_93 and exnomine)
4. – Animal House – 1978 (Bluto): Christ. Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the fucking Peace Corps. stardragan and shimmeringjemmy for the pick here.
5. – Ghost Busters – 1984(Dr. Peter Venkman): Nimble little minx, isn’t she? o1oo1ooo picks this one up though paulrhume had also guessed this one earlier.
6. – Breakfast Club – 1985 (Richard Vernon): That the last time you ever make me look bad in front of those kids, you hear me? I make $31,000 a year and I have a home and I’m not about to throw it all away on some punk like you. – faerievixen2
7. – Legend – 1985 (Oona): What care I for human hearts? Soft and spiritless as porridge! A faerie’s heart beats fierce and free! thiebes
8. – Highlander – 1986 (Brenda): I’m looking for a dead guy named Nash. He died at birth in Syracuse, New York. tzaddi_93, exnomine
9. – Big Trouble in Little China – (Jack Burton): Okay, I get the picture White Tigers, Lords of Death, guys in funny suits throwing plastic explosives while poison arrows fall from the sky and the pillars of heaven shake, huh? Sure, okay, I see Charlie Chan, Fu Manchu and a hundred howlin’ monkey temples, and that’s just for starters, right? Fine! I’m back! I’m ready, goddammit let me at ’em! paulrhume
10. – They Live – 1988 (Nada): You… you look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1957. apsulute Even got the character name
11. – The Terminator – 1984 (Kyle Reese): Some of us were kept alive… to work… loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever. paulrhume was the only one for a guess on this one.
12. – Airplane! – 1980 (Hanging Lady): No wonder you’re upset. She’s lovely. And a darling figure… supple, pouting breasts… firm thighs. It’s a shame you two don’t get along. idragosani, paulrhume, exnomine
« Anti-Meme Time: Do you have a crush on me? Writing Filter: So, I started writing a filk »
6-Breakfast Club
You got it.
7-Fern Gully
Interersting guess, but no….
Though I may have to look for one from there.
3- Better Off Dead
Gee, I’m sorry your Mom blew up Ricky.
10 – I’m all out of chewing gum but not too much ass kicking to do that I can’t name one of my all time favorite movies… THEY LIVE
And drumroll please… the Character is Nadda played by Rowdy Ronny Piper in his best role ever…
Absolutely correct on #10. Points to
I’m going to credit you on this but leave your answer blocked until someone else gets this one.
All’s play in war and fair….
I think I know 11 but I’ll leave it to others
Egad…this reads like a list of favorite high school and college flicks for me.
1 – Teen Wolf – line spoken by Coach Finstock
2 – the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie, except I’m pretty sure it was “kill HER a lot.” Line spoken by a vamp played by Paul Reubens, aka PeeWee Herman.
3 – Better Off Dead; I forget who said the line.
4 – Animal House; line spoken by Bluto (John Belushi). Filmed in my home town, on my college campus!
5 – Ghostbusters; line spoken by either Bill Murray or Dan Akroyd.
7 – Legend – the only movie in which I actually liked Tom Cruise.
8 – Highlander, the original movie. Line spoken by a character named Brenda, who is a police detective tracking down the Highlander in modern day NYC.
9 – Big Trouble in Little China; I forget who spoke the line.
10 – “They Live,” an awesome and very heavy-handed movie that effectively skewered the Neocon movement. Unfortunately, very few people saw it–but I own a copy on DVD. Line spoken by main character.
11 – The Terminator (original movie). Line spoken by Reese.
12 – Airplane, the original movie. Line spoken by an old lady to the main male character.
You are a machine!
I have got to try harder. You made this look too easy. Must plot!!!
#12 – Airplane!
We have an emergency, we need to get these people to a hospital!
A hospital! What is it?
It’s a large building with doctors and patients, but that’s not important right now.
Re: Ding!
I have that movie just about memorized
Re: Ding!
Don’t call me Shirley.
Re: Ding!
So tell me Jimmy, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
Is Number 5 from X men?
9 – Big Trouble in Little China (Jack)
11 – Terminator (Kyle)
12 – Airplane (Old Lady)
Oh Duh –
5. Ghost Busters (I think it’s Ray)
3. Better off Dead–can’t remember his name–the best friend who also played Booger in Revenge of the Nerds.
8. Highlander–again, character name escapes me. The love interest/gal who studied swords and worked with the police department.
Several of the others are tickling my brain, but I can’t place them.
Share the wealth
I’ll give you top billing on Highlander. You and guessed both this and Better off Dead
Re: Share the wealth
Cool. Were your other comments screened? When I sent my comment this morning, all I could see were Cristin’s comment and your reply to her.
Re: Share the wealth
Yeah. I went to bed shortly after Cristin commented. When I started looking at around 8am this morning there were about 12 comments. So I tried to pick a fair method of giving out at least one win.
I had one person comment all the correct answers. See above.
3 – Better Off Dead
8 – Highlander
12 – Airplane!
Share the wealth
I’ll give you top billing on Better off Dead. You and guessed both this and Highlander
#2: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
#5: Serenity
Pee Wee Herman
Amilyn gave us one of the best Shakespearian deaths, ever.
Serenity… is a no go. Youngest film on the list I think is 92
Re: Pee Wee Herman
Hey – is #4 Animal House?
Re: Pee Wee Herman
Yup. Held this one from being unscreened until someone else got it too
8 – Highlander
Yep.. But some already snagged it
Is #7 Legend?
Why, yes. Yes it is.
Who else but Tim Curry as absolute Darkness. (despite being nearly a foot shorter than the girl)
#4 Animal House and it was said by Bluto
#1 is from Teen Wolf, can’t remember character name, but he’s the basketball coach.
number 1…teen wolfe. From the coach, don’t remember his name.
number 5…Ghostbusters, Bill Murray regarding gozar the gozarian (spell?). (side note: dan ankroyd is working on a CGI 3rd movie)
thats all i can contribute.–Hans