Archive for May, 2008

Primarily to Seattle folk… but anyone on my list is appreciated for info…

Have I loaded out any DVDs or Books to you?

I’m not calling them back. Nor am I accusing anyone of hoarding or being irresponsible.

I’m just trying to catalogue and I know I’ve lost track of a few pieces that I’d rather not have to replace.

If I’ve loaned you something (Disc, DVD, book) can you leave a comment?

Thanks. Again… no rush to get it back.

Logic in inaction

I’ve been listening to some of the funnier reasons against Gay marriage.

I recently heard one that just made me shake my head.

The concern is that Gay couples will produce Gay children.

I laugh at this because the Straight couples have been doing a 100% job at producing only straight children.

Some people tend to forget the basic rule.

Make sure brain is in gear before engaging mouth.

I have yet to find any reason whatsoever to deny any consenting adults to be joined in the term of marriage and reap the benefits the government gives such clusters.

Please remember, I’ve already come out as a supporter of Barack Obama. The following post is tongue-in-cheek humour viewing the nomination process.

Translation… please don’t flame.

I wish I were a better writer so I could flesh this out as a submission for the Onion.


It struck me today looking at some of the press on how the Clinton campaign is fairing sounded vaguely familiar. Looking up an old article with which I’ve borrowed liberally.

Senator Hillary Clinton Unwilling to Set Exit Strategy on Democratic Primary Conflict

Senator Hillary Clinton said Saturday that pulling out of the Democratic Primary now is not an option, rejecting calls by some super-delegates and many people asked in polls to start bringing the campaign to a close. “The Obama supporters and media are trying to get us to retreat. Their goal is to get us to leave before we have had a chance to show the democrats what a government that is elected and truly accountable to its citizens can do for its people,” Clinton said in her weekly radio address. “We will settle for nothing less than victory” , she said later.

Clinton’s latest recommendation includes a new “surge” approach. Increasing the potential number of winnable delegates thus assuring final victory in the theatre of operations. At this point she does not see reason to let up on the campaign for the democratic nomination for at least 9 to 18 months.

opening paragraph taken by liberally editing:

Class Reminder

I will be teaching a class this coming Tuesday (May 27) at Horizon Oasis’ Temple in Capitol Hill, in Seattle.

The class is called “The Theatrical Tools of Ritual Drama

Here is das blurb (Yes, there always has to be a blurb)

In crafting ritual drama we spend painstaking hours studying god forms, mystical correspondences, arcane languages, and symbolic representations. Our tool set must not stop there for that is only half the equation. The use of text, performance, environment, and participation of those assembled all come from an art form that is as old as communication itself; theatre. In this class we will examine the tools of the theatre world and how they can be employed in conjunction with Ritual to raise and complement our magickal work.

This class starts at 7pm (which gives almost everyone time to get there after work… unless of course, you wish to traverse the 520 bridge)

The class is open to ANYONE. You do not need to be OTO, Pagan, Theatrical, …. Breathing is preferred.

No preparation is necessary. Donations to Horizon Oasis are welcome and will not be refused 😉

Those of you in Pittsburgh and Boston, should hop a plane now.

Really crappy icky uncharacteristic dreams last night.

Hopefully my frame of mind won’t be too off today.