Tag Archive: philosophy

A memory

When I was living in Red Stick (Baton Rouge) Louisiana for about 9 months too long (total 8 months) I auditioned for the role of Salieri in a community production of Amadeus.

I had memorized the whole, “How can you forsake me and give talent to an undeserving wretch, oh God” speech down to an art.

Oddly I never got to read it. I never actually got to even read for Salieri. (Hell to this day, I still can’t even settle on a spelling of it) Anyway, it was community theatre. The main roles were already cast before auditions. Occasionally they’d have one “visual hit” read for each main character.

On a lark they had me read for Mozart. The scene was where Mozart’s wife threatens to leave him. Mozart kinda loses it.

Just before the audition in the afternoon, my then girlfriend and I had had a huge fight about living in Louisiana and how she was getting ready to walk out. Horrible screaming, crying, drama, blah blah blah.

Now, I like acting. I can do it. I can be very convincing. But I’d never really let go. I always keep 10-15% in reserve. For some reason, maybe the defenses being down from the fight, maybe some unfinished feelings from the fight, maybe the surprise of being blown off for the role I wanted… But it all came crashing in.

The parity between Mozarts wife leaving and my then S.O. leaving blended together. I went 105%. I basked in it. I let it pour through me. I was Mozart quivering and quaking on the ground. When the audition was over I had that, “Just run a marathon, just dodged a bullet” feeling. Fast breath, skin was cold and on fire simultaneously, heart racing, strange zen mental place detached from the world.

My theatre professor/chair/advisor had a pearl of wisdom of a depth that I don’t think he ever truly realized, “When you’re on you know you are on” He would follow it up with another line that I’ve never told anyone. “When you are on, you will shine brighter than the sun.” Such a funny little man. Wise…

Typically after an audition everyone smiles (mostly), claps (mostly), and thinks to themselves, “Yes, that was nice. Now I’ll show him how it’s really done.” (Yes, community theatre can be only slightly more petty than Soprano’s comparing vocal ranges)

I looked up. My heart was running a mile a minute. No one was breathing. There was a pause in the room that lasted either 10 seconds or about 5 years… hard to tell. One person clapped, then another, then a standing ovation less one. (The one guy in the front row who didn’t stand was the one who ironically got the role)

Many people wonder why I haven’t pursued acting. It’d be interesting how long I could survive putting my body and soul through that level of delivery. Granted, it was also fortuitous that the right elements had come together to let me wield them properly together to make for a very magical performance. I doubt I would have been able to keep that level during the show.

As a director, I’ve learned from the experience. I know how to look for people who “get it”, people who can “Show it”, and people who truly, “live it.”

Focussing on that state that I was in.. either through lack of control or due to interactions those around me had, seems to be where I may wish to direct my own philosophical pursuits from this point forward. Finding that elevated state where the work that comes forth is not merely better than, but often so by several orders of magnitude.

Today I was asked how I could be recognized when meeting them.

I then thought about what I’d be likely to be wearing.

I’ll be wearing primarily black, with a mac t-shirt and probably carrying a black backpack

Then there was the sudden realization, “Just like everyone else at the conference”

Dear gods… I’m in conference-camouflage

I gotta go buy leather pants and put on my white ruffled shirt.

Classic Pairings

So, I brought up the question… Who would you consider the next Tracy/Hepburn

My answer may seem a bit off but I’ll try to support it:

With a natural sense of chemistry and the ability to go over the top and still very subtle, I’d have to go with:
Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore (old comment also exposed)

I rented 50 First Dates strictly on the merits that I actually adored The Wedding Singer.

Now I have to admit I had a really low tolerance for Adam Sandler. Happy Gilmore, Waterboy, Big Daddy… couldn’t stomach any of them. But with WS there’s a balance that we see in Sandler’s work. The balance comes from Drew Barrymore.

If it were just WS I could chock it up to Barrymore saving Sandler on screen. But the chemistry strikes a balance and they are able to find that point again in 50. Surprisingly with relatively different characters. I say relatively because it’s still obviously Sandler and Barrymore. But to be honest, Spencer was always Spencer. But he slid into role after role very well.

So… Sandler/Barrymore. That’s my pick for the next Tracy/Hepburn. 🙂

I am fairly easily distracted. Such is ADD that many adults in my age group now seem to suffer from as easily as clogged sinuses.

I sit here at 12:15 am waiting for my pain killers to kick in… 3 root canals in one day. Even my dentist thought I was mad. And that was trying to find his way through what apparently was complex nerves.

So, one of my duties this week has been to repair an iBook that I personally managed to munge. In a stellar act of bravado, I clobbered the iBook by installing the new version of Mac OS, Tiger.

I tried a few repair methods in Seattle and now have the sick ‘pooter here at my home office. My next planned attempt was to install a bare-bones OS onto one of my firewire drives to have a running scratch space from which to run some disk utils. So I found my old 10 Gig FW drive. I got this drive while I was in San Diego.

Opening the drive to peruse it, I found an encrypted 500 MB partition. Amazingly, I not only had the software to open it, but remembered the password. Oh, the treasures I found there. Not the least of which was a journal that dated to BEFORE my live journal days… BEFORE my California days. Matter of fact, one of my favourite entries right at the beginning reads:

5/9/98 9:21 AM (Pacific)

Okay…more reasons for the Journal. I’m taking this OTO thing that I’ve done fairly seriously. I’m not sure if this is good or bad. So hopefully, I’ll now be able to analyze that through punching it out in written (typed) form.

To put this in perspective, this entry occurred 20 days after my 1° which was also 55 days after my Minerval. That’s right, less that 60 days in from joining the order and I’m talking about, “… this OTO thing…” and whether or not taking it fairly seriously, “…is good or bad.” heh.

Later in the post I go on to say:
Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law. Eleven simple words that I’d already made a part of my life before I even met ΘΗΛΕΜΑ,

I marvel at my ignorance at noticing the phrase had eleven words and how little the number eleven meant to me then.

But I look at the journal then as I look at the one I have now.

Large canyons of space between entries. References to things I need to go back and fill in. Formulations of big ideas that trail off quickly. *sigh* Times that I think it’d be nice to start typing and not stop until I was done. Wishings that I could go back and find every, “I’ll get back to this” and make a list so I could get back to them.

And most importantly, the discipline to keep up the progress. Not merely to post publicly, but to post my feelings without prodding the audience for a response. To post my private thoughts to me more often and consistently. And to finish what I start.

I view myself as a work in progress. Some things I have improved noticeably on in short amounts of time. Some things have changed in a more subtle way over much longer period of time. Some things haven’t progressed anywhere nearly as much as I’ve wanted to. Some things have barely moved at all.

I am in a transition into a new phase of my life. Maybe this will be another thing that really begins to improve.

As the famous, “They” often say… today is the first day of the rest of your life.

I have been in two non-profit organizations in my life. By in I refer to active membership for over 5 years where I held positions of responsibility that included representation to the public.

I am privileged because both the organizations I’ve been in have been, “Counter culture” to an extent. People who join the organizations to look for a pursuit away from the normal culture. As a result, the average person questions authority.

Both of these organizations have gone through debates over whether or not dues should be required of members. The latest debate I’m reading in one organization is the requirement of dues for six months by local branches to participate in some of their activities.

Personally, I think this is a disastrous idea. Local chapters absolutely require money to operate. However, there is an old adage, you don’t get something for nothing. More often than naught this is read as, “Why should we do activities for you, if you’re going to ride them for free.” People lose site of the opposite, “Why should I pay for activity when my money isn’t going to what I’m paying for?”

In all honesty, any non-profit organization is staffed and attended by one motivational factor. Desire. Every award, accolade, and certificate in truth is worth nothing to anyone but you and those who seek the same themselves. Your barber doesn’t care, you’re mother most likely doesn’t care, and when push comes to shove… you probably won’t care. You do it because it fulfills something within you.

The problem that we face is that most local branches push far beyond their means. They expand to use the largest amount of resources and spend the highest amount of money they can in the shortest period of time. As a result, everything becomes a quest for more money and more membership to keep the growing behemoth afloat. The organization, its activities, and purpose become secondary. Keeping the growth or stability becomes all that matters.

As a result, people are no longer attracted to the branch on the merits of the organization. The branch evolves into a status symbol that is more important than the organization or its ideals. Further those that were active at one time fall away. Partially from disenchantment but more often than naught from leadership that has turned the path of the branch and a deaf ear to its supporters. If the old membership fall away, they are viewed as dross to be abandoned.

Now, this doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be change in an organization and we shouldn’t let people fall away. It does however mean that leadership needs to keep very watchful eyes on the changes and demands they make, less their needs or perceived needs of the branch wholly overshadow the purpose of the organization.

Membership and financial holdings are very important to any branch of any organization. But both in a non-profit sense must come from love and desire, not from demand. And one can not demand love. If the organization is being true to its purpose, it will attract support. Both financial as well as service thru membership. In fact, the more driven to the purpose you are rather than the rewards can be realized in the phrase “Delivered from the Lust of Result.”

If however, you find that the money and the membership are not supporting the needs, the first issue is to reconsider the need. Are you demanding too much or providing too much? I’d rather be in a group of 4 seriously focussing on the purpose of the organization than 10000 where 70% don’t even know why they are there.

There are many that will agree with me that Pennsic got too big. Dragon*Con is getting too big. Comic*con… well, it’s a trade show, not a con.

Ask not what you can demand of your members, but know what your members will demand of you.

Ask and ye shall have! Seek, and ye shall find! Knock, and it shall be opened unto you!

Note the words are Ask and Seek, not Require and Recruit.