Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants
And the Hindus hate the Moslems
And everybody hates the Jews
-Tom Lehrer – National Brotherhood Week
So… if you have in fact been under a rock during the last week, you missed the act that a Danish newspaper posted some cartoons depicting Mohammed in an unsavoury light.
This was calmly reacted to by the issuance of Jihad number 486/331//L329/9π
Oh and by the way, Moslems will now retaliate with unfavourable cartoons featuring the Holocaust.
Okay, I’m tired of this. I really am. The Hatfield/McCoy entertainment of the Punch and Judy show between the Shalom speakers and the Salaam speakers was one thing. But this is just tired and old now.
No offense, everyone’s god-form gets mocked once in a while. Hell, I will bring the same down upon myself now. I shall now bring the fury of not merely the Egyptians, but the Ancient Egyptians upon me. I now present my mini two pane cartoon on one of their divine.
Why the Ancient Egyptians? Well or me it’s because I believe that I can study god forms and gain enlightenment in working with them, even when seeing them through the eyes of satire and humour. I guess radical fundamentalists can’t see this. No, it’s far easier to destroy the infidels than go about your own life.
It’s far easier to shoot an abortion doctor, punch a republican, beat up a geek, scream that he didn’t make the debatable touchdown, than actually try to see the world through your fellow human’s eyes; just like EVERY one of the old prophets taught. See, once someone disagrees with you; to hell with the teachings of your religion or philosophy.
So, the extremists have taken their stand. Making fun of Mohammed by the Danish is bad. So… What do they do? I know, take it out on the Jews. The human race’s whipping post for 5000 years. (You are G-d’s chosen people. Chosen to get thrown out o this country, chosen to get murdered in this country, chosen to receive the ire of the people who don’t like Danish Newspapers) Yup. We don’t like Danish Newspapers and people making fun of our prophet, let’s go hurt some Jews. This is like the school bully driving 10 miles to the next town to beet up the same geek as last year, even though he’s moved and even though the geek didn’t do anything. A wonderful response to this mentallity is in this (SOON TO BE DEEMED EEEEEVUL) cartoon from www.filibustercartoons.com
Personally, here’s a plan. Let’s actually try liking each other instead of trying to undermine and destroy those we disagree with.
Yeah… crazy plan.