Good morning, Mr. And Mrs. America and all the ships at Sea.

the local time is current 5:52 am as I write this. I went to bed mildle later than I typically do during the week. So instead of naturally waking at 4am I kind of stumbled hrough my snooze bar at 5, 5:09, and 5:18

It is Blogathon day. I will be writing the posts up until about 2 until the half h\our and hitting submit to try to get them online as close to the half hour as I can.

One amusing note… there are pretty much no people I sociallize with locally who will read any of my posts today.

Between the OTO having a campout and OLO hosting Fires of Lughnasadh many of my local readers are away.

So I expect record low comments and record high self involvement..

Edit: You can still sponsor me throughout the blogathon at:
Registration required

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