Archive for December, 2006

When you are a raised Jewish and then move on to an incredibly non-traditional religion (Say like the EGC)… Dec 25th is that day. Until you have a partner who views the world the same way you do, it’s typically bidding loved ones off to see their families and sitting round the house with nothing to do.

Now, they say that idle hands are the devil’s playthings. After this video, I think I can firmly agree.

I really should be ashamed of liking this one. This one comes with my standard caveat… If you’re under 25-30 and didn’t watch tv as a kid you probably won’t get it. On the other hand if you did… you have to marvel and the apparent hours if not week s wasted in the pursuit of unnecessary perfection.

So… a touch of the Hawaiian spirit on this day of… well this day.

For your enjoyment

Found this on Fark…

There’s a comment to be made here, but I for one, have no idea what it is.

Intimate Fire held a solstice ritual on Thursday evening (Dec 21, 2006) at Moonflower Magick

We had about 11 people from the local community join us as well as a reporter from the Everett Herald.

The reporter wrote a nice piece on Solstice and Intimate Fire..and Moonflower in Friday’s paper.

The original article is also posted to their online site at:

It’s a good article with only a few small corrections that I sent in…

Small Corrections

I’ve been surprised that I haven’t really been having a lot of baby dreams.

Granted… I tend not to remember dreams.

I remember (in the dream) picking him up and setting him down. Later when I went to move him he was 3 ft tall. Then he was 4 1/2 ft. And after a few minutes he was 6′ tall. Then he started talking. he tried to convince us that this was a perfectly normal growth spurt. But he was using words that we hadn’t said in front of him.

We decided to go for a ride. Someone suggested I should take him to his pediatrician because something seemed very wrong. We tried to get him into clothes that would be acceptable for a baby that was his size. But it turned out we didn’t have any.

And the dream turned left from there.

The problem dreams cause is that they feel real. Situations occur and you simply accept them and try to deal with them.

I just woke up and looked at him.

I was happily relieved when the brain went, “Ah, yes…. dream”

I smile to myself now as I write this… “Don’t grow up too fast, Aiden. Enjoy it now while you have it.”

And for those who haven’t seen it yet…

He has it 🙂 See recent favourite pict: from gallery of picts from a visit from queenofhalves

Picked this one up from a meme posting by shimmeringjemmy

Um… oh.

Visit to learn your Lustsign!

For the record.. this one is entitled: unleashed-beast.

So much for mild-mannered.