Archive for November 27th, 2007


And just to be really geeky:
You really want to see these…

..and even after trying… the verdict still stands.

“The world will never know.”

Hint 1:

Weird dreams

I have a mechanism I use in dreams when I feel ‘threatened.’

I start hitting things. What this means is open handed smacks of walls, furniture, etc. To note if I feel sensation.
Usually that’s enough to help draw me out of the dream.

I had to do this last night. Typical dream.. weirdness. Strange twisty hotel/parking area/etc…

Then there was this guy. I just got a tonne of feelings that said, “You’re not supposed to be here.”

He sort of looked like Mark Gattis as the young Lazarus in Doctor Who.

I started hitting things and eventually thought I’d woken up. I’d really just moved to another part of the dream.

Later he came back. The moment I noticed him, he went from trying to be inconspicuous to coming at me.

There were 2 or 3 bad karate moves between us. I tried to push him away with my mind. That failed. Then he leaned into me like he was going to take a bite out of my stomach.

I mentally pushed him away and he dissolved away like an impressive computer effect. I woke up.

Strange dream. Strange person. Odd because I remember (though it’s fading) the face. And above all else, the distinct feeling of “You don’t belong here.”

Odd. But then again.. I probably shouldn’t watch Torchwood right before bed.